Do you think offshore drilling is the answer in building US oil reserves? If not, now is your opportunity to tell national leaders that offshore drilling is a BAD POLICY for our oceans and our future. Recently, Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar extended the public comment period for the Minerals Management Service (“MMS”) proposed 5-year offshore oil and gas plan by 180-days. This plan was drawn up by the Bush Administration in its waning hours to form the basis for making future decisions on what the Outer Continental Shelf (“OCS”) program should include.
Offshore oil and gas leasing poses a seemingly endless list of harms to the ocean, caused by both large spills and gradual degradation of the ocean associated with drilling-related activities. The dangers range from the vast long-term ecological impacts to the destruction of marine habitat, recreational uses and the economic value of our ocean resources.
Take action now – tell the Secretary of Interior to limit new drilling on the outer continental shelf and support ocean conservation and alternative energy development. Go to http://actionnetwork.org/campaign/not_the_answer_03_09 to send a letter to Secretary Salazar.
You can join the new cause group on Facebook created by the Surfrider Foundation: "Stop Offshore Drilling" - http://tinyurl.com/dfgfxv
For updates and information be sure to visit Surfrider's Not The Answer blog at www.nottheanswer.org
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